A Review of Particulate Matter Emission Factors for Gas Firing in Combustion Units at Refineries

The report reviews Emission Factors (EFs) for both Filterable Particulate Matter (FPM) and Condensable Particulate Matter (CPM) from gas-firing published by the US EPA and the EU EEA.

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NO2 SA Viewer

This tool allows users to define scenarios in a user-friendly way and quickly visualise the NO2-concentrations at measurement stations and in over 900 cities.

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Concawe Review 32.2 – Special Air Quality Edition

Read the latest Concawe Review

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Heavy-Duty Vehicles CO₂ Comparator

Our new HDV CO₂ comparator aims at comparing the CO₂ performance of five heavy-duty vehicle types, with five different powertrain choices and a broad range of energy options.

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Is there a zero-emission vehicle technology?

Try out the cars CO₂ comparator developed by IFPEN and commissioned by Concawe to find out.

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Study on the potential evolution of Refining and Liquid Fuels production in Europe
Reports and Other publications

Study on the potential evolution of Refining and Liquid Fuels production in Europe

Concawe engaged S&P Global Commodity Insights (SPGCI) to analyse the potential impact of the EU’s target to achieve net-zero emission by 2050 on the region’s refining industry and security of...
A Review of Particulate Matter Emission Factors for Gas Firing in Combustion Units at Refineries

A Review of Particulate Matter Emission Factors for Gas Firing in Combustion Units at Refineries

Report no. 2/25: Particulate matter is defined as either filterable (FPM) or condensable (CPM) and by size: FPM2.5 refers to filterable particles with aerodynamic diameters ≤2.5 μm and FPM10 those...
Reflections on technical issues related to derivation of PFAS Environmental Quality Standards
Other publications

Reflections on technical issues related to derivation of PFAS Environmental Quality Standards

In 2022, the European Commission (EC) published a proposal for amending the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), the Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EC) and the Environmental Quality Standards Dire...
Measurements of emissions of Particulate Matter (PM) and Semi-Volatile and Intermediate-Volatility Organic Compounds (S/IVOC) from refinery sources – Phase 1: A refinery fuel gas-fired heater

Measurements of emissions of Particulate Matter (PM) and Semi-Volatile and Intermediate-Volatility Organic Compounds (S/IVOC) from refinery sources – Phase 1: A refinery fuel gas-fired heater

Report no. 1/25: This report provides the results from two measurement campaigns carried out on a gas-fired heater at a refinery in north-west Europe. The main purposes of the campaigns were i) to mea...


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