17 Apr 2018

The Low Carbon Pathways Project. A holistic framework to explore the role of liquid fuels in future EU low-emission mobility (2050) – Working Plan

This working plan is the first publication in a series planned to assess the technology developments across different transport sectors that will contribute to the EU decarbonisation goals and defines the basis for a new cross-cutting area of research in Concawe: the Low Carbon Pathways project.

The series of reports will ultimately allow us to share quantitative assessments of the overall potential for CO2 emissions reduction from the combination of more carbon efficient vehicles and fuels, the potential evolution of the liquid fuels industry and the changing role of the refinery. This first document focuses on the passenger vehicle sector and provides a first high level assessment of the technical readiness of emerging developments in vehicle drivetrains and future liquid fuels.

A holistic view looking across the different technologies identified is used to estimate the potential CO2 intensity improvement that could be achieved. As a result of this work, Concawe has initiated a new cross-cutting working plan (Low Carbon Pathways project) to provide better scientific understanding in different transport sectors. This will lead to different research projects within Concawe and in collaboration with others, covering key areas such as fuel products, production processes and refining technologies and their impact on both CO2 emissions and Air Quality and Water. The results of these projects will provide more robustness to the preliminary numbers included in this first assessment.

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