04 Sep 2024

European downstream oil industry safety performance – Statistical summary of reported incidents, 2023

Report no. 9/24: The 2023 annual report on European downstream oil industry safety performance presents work-related personal injuries for the industry’s own employees and contractors and process safety performance indicators. Information was received from forty Concawe Member Companies and two Joint Ventures (comprised of member companies) reported separately, together representing 96% of the European refining capacity. Total work hours reported (593 million) were almost 9% higher in 2023 than in 2022. In 2023, there were seven fatalities reported by the industry, four Manufacturing staff, two Manufacturing contractors and one Marketing contractor. The number of Lost Workday Injuries recorded in 2023 (655) is 15% higher than those in 2022 (568). The combined number of Tier 1 and 2 process safety events across Manufacturing and Marketing in 2023 remains the same as in 2022 (224), however there were more Tier 1 events in 2023 (79) than in 2022 (61).

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