Organisation & Structure
Concawe is a division of the European Fuel Manufacturers Association, an AISBL operating in Belgium
This association is comprised of Concawe and FuelsEurope divisions, each having separate and distinct roles and expertise but administratively consolidated for efficiency and cost effectiveness.
FuelsEurope represents the interests of the Association’s members with the EU institutions.
The General Assembly comprises all Members of the Association and meets annually. It has powers to approve association budget and members fees; to approve the annual plan of activities; and to appoint or dismiss key officers of the association. Fourteen members are elected to sit on the association Board of Directors. The Board chaired by the President meets four times a year and is responsible for the management of the association within the guidance from the General Assembly.
The Scientific Committee directs the research and technical work of the association and advises the Board on these matters. Each member company has one seat on the Scientific Committee which is chaired jointly by the Director General of the association and a Member Company representative appointed by the Board, supported by the Concawe Director.