16 Mar 2011

Microbial Growth in Fuel Supply and Distribution Systems

Microbial Growth in Fuel Supply and Distribution Systems

A one-day Workshop on Microbial Growth (MBG) in Fuel Supply and Distribution Systems took place on March 16, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. The event was co-organised by CONCAWEthe Energy Institute, and DGMK.

This Workshop brought together about 150 technical experts from fuel suppliers, specialist companies, and research organizations to share information on the origins of MBG problems and best practices for mitigating their adverse effects on the fuel supply and distribution system. Participants included those responsible for fuel logistics operations (pipelines, terminals, and service station operations), microbiologists familiar with MBG issues, manufacturers of MBG measurement equipment and mitigation solutions, and others interested in the impact of MBG on related fuel products and operations.

The final programme.