Workshop on testing and assessment of petroleum UVCB substances

To increase the mutual understanding between regulators, industry and other interested stakeholders on the requirements for testing and assessment of petroleum UVCB substances, Concawe organised a virtual workshop on 21 June 2021 which took place from 10:00 to 16:00 CEST on the following topic:
Recent advances in the analytical, hazard and risk assessment of petroleum UVCB substances to progress their regulatory assessment; towards workable and scientifically sound solutions for risk management of UVCB petroleum substances to more efficiently address the needs of both regulators and industry.
You can find the programme of the workshop here.
To watch the video recording of the Setting the Scene & Challenge 1, click here.
To watch the video recording of Challenge 2, click here.
All the presentations are available for download here.
The list of participants is available here.
You can download the summary of the discussions here.
The aim of the workshop was to have an open discussion amongst regulators (ECHA, European Commission, and Member States), NGOs, academia and industry on the advances made in the areas of analytical, hazard and safety assessment of petroleum substances, the opportunities these bring and the challenges which remain to be addressed in a regulatory context.
The report will be available in the upcoming weeks.