Residue hydrodesulphurization investment and operating costs

Residue hydrodesulphurization investment and operating costs

Report no. 4/86: In view of the continuing interest in the costs of desulphuriration in connection with possible sulphur control strategies, CONCAWE has updated the costs of residue hydrodesulphurirstion taking account of the latest commercial technological...
Volatile organic compound emissions: an inventory for Western Europe

Volatile organic compound emissions: an inventory for Western Europe

Report no. 2/86: This report gives details of an inventory compiled by Concawe and covering man-made non-methane volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in Western Europe. The survey shows that the major man-made sources are road transport end solvents, each...
Review of European oil industry benzene exposure data

Review of European oil industry benzene exposure data

Report no. 3/86: This report summarises data on exposure to benzene during the manufacture end distribution of gasoline in Europe. Exposures in various types of jobs are reviewed against the 8-hourtime-weighced average 1 ppm “Action Level” and 5 ppm...