Diesel fuel quality and its relationship with emissions from diesel engines
Report no. 10/87: CONCAWE predicts future (year 2000) diesel fuel properties to essentially in the range of 43 to 54 cetane number (median value: 48.5) and 0.825 to 0.870 density (median value: 0.846). Compared with present average commercial European diesel fuels...
An investigation into evaporative hydrocarbon emissions from European vehicles
Report no. 87/60: The report covers an experimental programme to determine evaporative hydrocarbon emission levels from a range of modern European cars, and the effects of various fuel and vehicle parameters on them. The results are used to estimate an inventory of...
Volatile organic compound emissions in western Europe: control options and their cost-effectiveness for gasoline vehicles, distribution and refining
Report no. 6/87: This report summarises the conclusions drawn by CONCAWE from its recent work on volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in Western Europe. The underlying data are published by CONCAWE; VOC emissions inventories are addressed in Reports Nos. 2/F6 and...