Scientific basis for an air quality standard for nickel
Report no. 99/53: The health effects due to nickel exposure are reviewed in this document for the purposes of understanding the scientific basis for an Air Quality Standard (AQS). The report provides an overview of two approaches for deriving a nickel AQS by...
Energy use and CO2 emissions in refinery operations
Increasing the complexity and severity of refinery operations to meet new product specifications, necessarily leads to an increase in energy use. This can be (partially) offset by improved energy efficiency. What options are available to reduce overall CO2...
CONCAWE issues guidelines on gasoline volatility aspects for year 2000 EN 228 standard
Gasoline volatility specifications are defined in volatility classes in the European Standard EN 228. CEN member countries have selected up to three volatility classes to satisfy the driveability requirements for their market based on regional climatic variations over...