А review of European gasoline exposure data for the period 1993-1998
Report no. 2/00: This report presents data on over 5000 personal gasoline exposure measurements taken in European countries in the period 1993-1998. The majority of the data were generated by CONCAWE member companies as part of routine occupational hygiene programmes,...
A review of trends in hearing thresholds of European oil refinery workers
Report no. 00/55: The change of hearing thresholds was assessed in a study population of over 1000 noise-exposed oil refinery workers subject to noise at work regulations in Member States of the European Union. Audio metric data covering a period of approximately 12...
An assessment of the reproductive toxicity of gasoline vapour
Report no. 00/53: The reproductive toxicity of gasoline vapour in rats was studied in order to generate relevant toxicity information for gasoline in humans via the inhalation route. The two generation study was designed and conducted according to international...