The determination of the oil content of refinery effluent water has long been a subject of studies. CONCAWE first published a report on oil in water analysis in 1972. Although we all know what ‘oil’ is, it cannot be defined scientifically as it may contain millions...
As part of the Commission’s Clean Air For Europeprogramme (CAFE), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European Centre for Environment and Health has been contracted to update its guidance with respect to the health effects of fine particulates and ozone....
Over recent years, vehicle technologies have developed rapidly with significant improvements in emissions control. Exhaust catalysts were first required on European gasoline cars with the introduction of Euro 1 emissions limits in 1993, with subsequent evolution to...
The final version of the revised EU Fuels Directive, 2003/17/EC, was published in March 2003. As expected, sulphur-free gasoline and diesel fuels (10 mg/kg maximum sulphur content), must be available on ‘an appropriate balanced geographic basis’ from 2005. Full market...
DG TREN’s initiatives on alternative fuels for road transport Following the publication of the Green Paper on the Security of Energy Supply in the autumn of 2001, the EU Commission and in particular DG TREN focused on anumber of actions to support the Green Paper’s...