Report no. 5/04: This document describes an approach to occupational health auditing, intended to meet the needs of CONCAWE member companies. It includes examples of typical questions and model answers on which an appropriate questionnaire for any location or activity...
Producing and handling petroleum products that are primarily designed to burn is a fundamentally hazardous pursuit. It is no surprise, therefore, that the oil industry has been at the forefront of safety management for many years and in all parts of the world. The...
Introduction Refineries handle significant volumes of water, often comparable to the amount of hydrocarbons they process. In common with many industries some of this is discharged as an effluent. Traditionally most effluent discharges have been assessed and controlled...
The recent update to the EU Fuels Directive specifies a maximum sulphur content of 50 mg/kg in gasolines and diesel fuels from 2005, with ‘appropriately balanced geographic availability’ of sulphur-free fuels from the same date, progressing to 100% coverage of...
The Well-to-Wheels (WTW) study carried out jointly by EUCAR, JRC/IES and CONCAWE was completed at the end of 2003. The study considered a wide range of primary energy sources, automotive fuels and powertrains. The energy and GHG balance was estimated for close to 500...