Automotive PAH emissions

Automotive PAH emissions

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions have been of concern for many years due to potential carcinogenic effects, with several individual PAHs having been classified by IARC as either ‘probably carcinogenic to humans’ or ‘possibly...
European cross-country pipelines

European cross-country pipelines

The yearly CONCAWE report on the safety and environmental performance of European cross-country pipelines is complete and will be published soon. The data collected for 2003 from 65 companies and other bodies covers 250 different pipelines with a combined length of...
CONCAWE Review – Spring 2005

CONCAWE Review – Spring 2005

Volume 14, issue 1: ERTRAC was established in 2002 as an ‘Advisory Council’ with a view to improving European research in the road transport sector. Its first objectives were to develop a shared Vision of road transport in 2020+ and an associated Strategic Research...
Fuel effects on emissions from advanced diesel engines and vehicles

Fuel effects on emissions from advanced diesel engines and vehicles

Report no. 2/05: To update understanding on emissions from road transport, CONCAWE is continuing to assess fuel effects on emissions from new engine/vehicle technologies as they approach the market. In this work, two advanced light-duty diesel vehicles and three...