From science to advocacy

From science to advocacy

The development of Air Quality legislation involves an increasingly sophisticated use of science in a wide range of fields such as health impact assessment, modelling, emission control technologies and cost-benefit analysis. This poses a special challenge for advocacy...
Evaporative emissions and ethanol blends

Evaporative emissions and ethanol blends

The JRC/EUCAR/CONCAWE consortium was set up in 2000 to carry out technical work of joint interest in the area of advanced fuels and vehicles. The first major output from the collaboration was the Well-to-Wheels analysis of future automotive fuels and...
COPEX 2006

COPEX 2006

The CONCAWE Oil Pipelines Operators Experience Exchange seminar (COPEX for short) that took place in Brussels on 30–31 March was continuing a long-established tradition. CONCAWE has been active in the field of oil pipelines since the early 70s and started...
Registration of petroleum substances under REACH

Registration of petroleum substances under REACH

In 1993 the Council adopted Regulation (EEC) 793/93 or the ‘ESR’ (Existing Substances Regulation), thus introducing a comprehensive framework for the evaluation and control of ‘existing’ chemical substances. The ESR foresaw comprehensive risk assessments and, where...
Reducing the sulphur content of residual marine fuels

Reducing the sulphur content of residual marine fuels

The legislative context Residual fuel is a commodity used by sea-going vessels the world over. The quality specifications of residual marine or ‘bunker’ fuels (RMF) result essentially from self regulation of the industry and agreements between producers and consumers....