The 2010 CONCAWE Oil Pipeline Operators Experience Exchange seminar (COPEX 2010) took place in Brusselson 25–26 March, continuing a long-established tradition started in the 1980s. The COPEX seminar has been heldon a four-yearly schedule since 1994, its purpose...
CONCAWE’s role within the REACH registration process is significantly more extensive than that of most other industry associations. Several years ago, CONCAWE’s member companies agreed that the Association should act as the key focal point for many of the activities...
In November 2009, the European Commission (EC) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) launched a new web-based European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR), replacing the previous European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER).
Report No. 3/10: In preparation for the implementation of the EU REACH regulation, a project was undertaken to transfer the high-resolution analytical method for determining hydrocarbon blocks in petroleum products by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography...
Volume 19 • Number 1: Content of this Concawe Review: CONCAWE’S Role in REACH Registration. The ‘end of the beginning’ of the REACH registration process; European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR). Capturing and reporting industrial pollutant emissions...