Downstream oil industry safety statistics

Downstream oil industry safety statistics

The 2009 annual safety report was published in 2010 (CONCAWE report 7/10) and is available on CONCAWE’s website. In addition to the 2009 results, the report also includes a full historical perspective from 1993, as well as comparative figures from other...
The JEC Biofuels Study

The JEC Biofuels Study

For many years, it has been recognised that energy demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation sector are expected to rise over the coming decades, with increasing demand for passenger and freight transport offsetting efficiency gains. In fact,...
Microbes in the system

Microbes in the system

‘Microbe’ is an overly general term for a wide range of bacteria, fungi and yeasts that are frequently found in air and water, and are capable of building themselves a comfortable home in fuel supply storage tanks and distribution systems. These micron-sized cells...
Understanding the volatility of ethanol/gasoline blends

Understanding the volatility of ethanol/gasoline blends

The EU’s Renewable Energy Directive (RED, 2009/28/EC) mandates that 10% of transport fuels on an energy basis must be derived from sustainably produced, renewable sources by 2020. As also required by the RED, each Member State must evaluate how they intend to reach...