Air quality and health: looking ahead

Air quality and health: looking ahead

Evolving scientific insights over the past twenty years. The past twenty years have seen major changes in the techniques and findings of studies on air pollution and health, changes which set today’s stage for looking forward to what remains to be learned. Beginning...
Petroleum products and REACH: looking ahead

Petroleum products and REACH: looking ahead

The petroleum refining industry successfully met the first REACH deadline in December 2010 with the registration of all petroleum substances. This was a commendable achievement in view of the complexity of REACH itself and the additional difficulties of dealing with...
Developments in EU refining: looking ahead to 2020 and beyond

Developments in EU refining: looking ahead to 2020 and beyond

Developments in EU refining: looking ahead to 2020 and beyond Oil refineries are constantly adapting to changes in product quality legislation and market demand. This requires the industry to be aware of such changes and anticipate them. Awareness of product quality...
Evaluating energy pathways: from well to wheels

Evaluating energy pathways: from well to wheels

Over the past decade, the JEC Research Consortium1 has been working together to better understand the complex issues associated with future vehicles and fuels. While some of this work has involved practical vehicle testing, much of the Consortium’s work has been on...
Forward-looking perspective on oil and gas production in Europe

Forward-looking perspective on oil and gas production in Europe

In 2010 world energy demand was equivalent to about 260 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), and oil and gas represented 54% of this global demand. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), demand is expected to increase by about 35% by 2035,...