Literature review and practical experiences on continous dust monitoring at low concentrations
This report reviews the techniques available for the measurement of dust from gas-firing combustion in refineries and identifies challenges associated with the continuous monitoring of these dust emissions at low concentrations.
Monitoring method for inhalation exposure to gas oil vapour and aerosol
Report no. 8/15: A study was conducted to characterize sampling and analysis methods for the measurement of the personal workplace exposure concentration of gas oil vapours and aerosols and in particular, to describe their ability to quantify the aerosol-vapour...
Evaluation of Whole Effluent Bioassays for Assessment of Hydrocarbon Ecotoxicity – Phase III Stream Study
Report no. 7/15: Toxicity predictions based on laboratory- based Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) tests have been assessed by dosing outdoor stream mesocosms with unmodified and fortified refinery effluents. The tests performed allowed the process effluents to be...