The carcinogenicity and developmental toxicity of unrefined mineral oil is related to its 3–7 ring polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) content. Therefore, refining operations focus on the targeted removal PAC from mineral oil that may contain aromatics of low...
This study aims to determine environmental impacts on biodiversity due to biomass production for bioenergy use. For this purpose the Biodiversity Impact Assessment (B.I.A.) method presented by Lindner et al. is applied to assess the impact of Miscanthus cultivation in...
Report no. 7/22: Petroleum refinery effluents (PRE) are wastewaters from industries associated with oil refining. Within EU, PREs are regulated through local discharge permits and receive significant treatment before emission. After treatment, PREs can still contain...
Report no. 5/22: LNAPL stands for “Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids” or hydrocarbons that exist as a separate undissolved phase in the subsurface at some sites with legacy releases of fuels. They are referred to as “Light” because most petroleum hydrocarbons are less...
Report no. 6/22: Concawe has collected 50 years of spillage data on European cross-country oil pipelines. At nearly 36,000 km the current inventory includes the majority of such pipelines in Europe, transporting some 615 million m3 per year of crude oil and oil...