05 Dec 2018

Concawe’s input to the EU long-term Strategy – EII initiative

This document provides our sectoral input to the Energy Intensive Industries (EII) initiative supported by DG GROW submitted in September 2018 with the aim to contribute to the EU long term Strategy. The information included in the present document is based on historical data and some preliminary results of ongoing modelling work within the Concawe Low Carbon Pathways (LCP) programme. The present sectoral contribution investigates the following key topics across the EU refining system:

  1. Historical Figures on emissions and electricity consumption
  1. Key mitigation technologies

Description, Technology Readiness Level and Timeframe for industrial application

  1. CO2 abatement potential

Exploring the potential for different technologies to reduce the CO2 emissions associated with the refining system by 2050. This paper explores two different stages as part of the on-going Concawe LCP work:

  • Stage 1. CO2 efficiency improvement measures (identified in section 2) combined with the impact of demand scenarios
  • Stage 2. Low-Carbon Feedstock.

A specific study is underway which examines the potential for integrating different, non-petroleum derived feedstocks within the refinery. The preliminary results are also included in this paper.

  1. Investment costs

Investigating the potential investment (Capex) and associated operational costs (Opex) that may be required to implement these technologies into the 2030 Reference Scenario. The (very) preliminary estimate are summarized in the present document.

  1. Energy, feedstock and infrastructure needs

The scenarios analysed will require a different amount of energy, alternative feedstocks and infrastructure needs. As a preliminary assessment focused on some illustrative pathways, some preliminary results showing the potential needs by 2050 are also presented. A series of reports with an extensive description of the assumptions, key technologies and enablers behind these preliminary results will become also available in our Concawe website during the first half of 2019.

Disclaimer: This report is the preliminary outcome of a Concawe on-going work. The information included is subject to change and does not necessarily represent the views of any company participating in Concawe.