08 Jan 2025

The Concawe NO2 source apportionment viewer: A web-application to mitigate NO2 pollution from traffic and other sources

To mitigate air pollution, source apportionment is a key element for the design of effective measures. However, source apportionment often involves complex model chains only accessible to expert users. In this paper we present a new web application, the Concawe NO, source apportionment viewer. It allows experts and non-expert users to evaluate the contributions of different sectors and the impact of measures in the road transport sector on current and future NO, pollution in the EU27+UK in a fast and user-friendly way. The methodology behind the viewer was described in a previous paper byDegraeuwe et al. (2024). | Here we describe the user interface and give some examples; the contribution of different sectors to the NO, concentrations in the 3136 monitoring stations, and the impact of specific transport policies (e.g., Euro 7/VII standard, urban access regulations) on the NO, concentrations in 948 European cities.
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