In the shaping of the next European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10), we, the undersigned 109 European associations representing key European RD&I stakeholders, hereby urge the EU Institutions to significantly increase the current budget in...
Ricardo, a global strategic environmental and engineering consulting company, has developed a first of its kind Persistence Assessment Tool to provide manufacturers and importers of chemical substances and products, regulators, and the scientific community with...
A 2020 ICF review of the completeness of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) activities, pollutants and thresholds identified 38 new air and water pollutants for potential inclusion in the E-PRTR. Of these, 17 air pollutants and 11 water...
From a climate perspective, it does not matter whether the greenhouse gases are emitted during the production of the car or of the energy carrier, or at the tailpipe. From that perspective, only life-cycle emissions matter, considering the overall scope of emissions...