An Introduction to Passenger Car Emissions and Test Cycles

An Introduction to Passenger Car Emissions and Test Cycles

Concawe fact sheet on Passenger Car Emissions and Test Cycles. Background to Passenger Car Emissions and Test Cycles Transportation, amongst other sectors and including road and non-road vehicles, aviation, rail and marine contributes to air quality and greenhouse gas...
An Introduction to Air Quality

An Introduction to Air Quality

Concawe factsheet on Air Quality. Background to Air Quality Air quality is influenced by a variety of factors and is a complex issue. The term air quality refers to the degree to which the air in a particular place is free from pollutants. Air pollutants are...
An Introduction to Urban Air Quality

An Introduction to Urban Air Quality

Concawe factsheet on Urban Air Quality. Background to Urban Air Quality: Urban air quality is a label used to describe air quality in cities and large towns where there is a particular concern about the exposure of populations to air pollutants. The effect of city...
Marine Fuel Facts

Marine Fuel Facts

Learn more about Marine Fuels. Background Information: Background on Shipping Sources of Atmospheric Sulphur Emissions Marine Fuel Regulations Current Situation, Alternatives and Possible Outcomes Refining Impact – Fuel Availability Concerns Scrubbers and Other...