To mitigate air pollution, source apportionment is a key element for the design of effective measures. However, source apportionment often involves complex model chains only accessible to expert users. In this paper we present a new web application, the Concawe NO,...
The phospholipid membrane−water partition coefficients (KMW) and equilibrium binding affinities for human serum albumin (HSA) of 60 structurally diverse perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were evaluated through laboratory measurements and modeling to...
The Concawe LNAPL Toolbox is one of the first completely web-based tools for managing and remediating light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) impacted sites. An off-line downloadable version is also available for users who do not want to access it via the internet....
Air quality in cities with large maritime ports is considerably impacted by emissions from shipping activity which is of a growing relevance due to an increasing relative contribution. To explore the extent of shipping emissions to ambient air quality, simulations...
A limited number of microorganisms have been identified with the capability to degrade ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) in the environment. Knowledge of the identity and distribution of ETBE-degrading microorganisms is important for the implementation of management...