Report no. 2/22: Several recent scientific studies on urban air quality have suggested that air quality modelling based on current emission inventories for mobile sources systematically underestimates the contribution of these sources to ambient particulate matter...
This is the final report from a study for OGCI and Concawe on the “Technological, Operational and Energy Pathways for Maritime Transport to Reduce Emissions Towards 2050”. The context for this study is the International Maritime Organization’s level of ambition to...
In its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) has committed to the objective of a carbon-neutral road transport system by 2050. Therefore, we support ambitious measures to reach this objective. Carbon-neutrality...
Report no. 10/21: Sustainably produced hydrogen (H2) is seen as a low carbon fuel for transportation. Likewise compressed natural gas (CNG) could reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles, especially if it is produced from renewable sources such as biomethane. Being both...
In the European Green Deal, the EU has set itself the ambitious target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050, with an intermediate target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. The ambition of the EU increases the...