Literature review on emissions of semi- and intermediate volatile organic compounds and formation of organic aerosols with focus on the refinery sector
Report no. 1/21: Organic aerosols (OA) are an important component of ambient particulate matter (PM) but their origin and formation is not well understood. Traditionally, OA have been described by two classes: a) primary organic aerosol (POA) and b) secondary organic...
Results of a comparative pilot field test study of a first generation Quantitative Optical Gas Imaging (QOGI) system
Report no. 23/20: Quantitative optical gas imaging (QOGI) is a new system to detect fugitive emission sources and quantify their mass release rates. This report presents an evaluation of QOGI technology compared to other techniques (Sniffing/EPA Method 21 and high...
Producing low sulphur marine fuels in Europe – 2020-2025 vision
Report no. 21/20: The global Sulphur cap entered into force from the 1st of January 2020, and it is seen by the refinery sector as an unprecedented step evolution for a key specification of one of their products. The sulphur going down from 3.50% max to 0.50wt%S is...