Report no. 9/20: This report provides further information on the value of spectral data generated from the Concawe Analytical Program, and provides scientific justification that spectral data provides no additional composition information to that obtained by the other...
Report no. 8/20: Gasoline combustion has traditionally been measured using Research Octane Number (RON) and Motor Octane Number (MON) which describe antiknock performance under different conditions. All European gasoline cars must be capable of running on the 95 RON...
Report no. 7/20: PetroTox is a modelling tool implementing the Target Lipid Model (TLM) for the calculation of the aquatic toxicity of complex hydrocarbon mixtures. The model allows for the calculation of acute and chronic toxicity values for several trophic levels,...
Report no. 6/20: Stoichiometric engines running on natural gas rely on three-way catalysts to meet limits e.g. Euro 6 regarding emissions of hydrocarbons (including methane), carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. As is well known from decades of industry experience...
Report no. 5/20: In Europe, the development and implementation of new regulatory test procedures including the chassis dynamometer (CD) based World Harmonised Light Duty Test Procedure (WLTP) and the road-based Real Driving Emissions (RDE) procedure, has been driven...