Report no. 12/19: Assessment of diffuse emissions using remote sensing needs appropriate information on vertical profiles of wind speed and wind direction. This information has then to be combined with concentration, or path-integrated concentration, in order to...
Report no. 11/19: This report describes work sponsored and coordinated by Concawe and conducted by ISO/ TC28/ SC4/ WG6in view of the variety of fuel blend formulations expected to enter into the market as a result of tightening sulphur limits for marine fuels as of 1...
Report no. 10/19: Risk assessments on petroleum substances (PS) are challenging due to the fact that these complex materials contain thousands of individual chemical components having widely differing physico-chemical characteristics, environmental degradation rates,...
Report no. 9/19: This report is the second in a series of publications that explore opportunities and challenges for EU refineries to integrate technologies and feedstocks that would reduce the fossil carbon intensity of petroleum products. The first Concawe report...
In October 2016, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) confirmed a global limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships of 0.50% m/m (mass by mass) to become effective on 1 January 2020. The implementation of this regulation will have far-reaching...