Report no. 12/24: This report presents a review of end-of-life equipment and components containing PFAS, in particular fluoropolymers, used in refinery and fuel distribution facilities. The project involved a literature review of fluoropolymers types, their physical...
Report no. 10/24: This report has been prepared by ERM for Concawe with the aim of describing current water use in EU refineries, establishing the refining water footprint, and examining alternatives practices which may help to reduce future stress on local freshwater...
Report no. 9/24: The 2023 annual report on European downstream oil industry safety performance presents work-related personal injuries for the industry’s own employees and contractors and process safety performance indicators. Information was received from forty...
Report Nº 11/24: This report presents a sustainability assessment of waste oily sludges treatment technologies in refinery operations. It provides further analysis of sources, volumes, pre-treatment and final treatment/disposal options of the most important oily...
Report Nº 8/24: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a broad class of man-made chemicals, exceeding several thousands, which have been widely used in industrial and consumer applications since the 1940’s. Increasing public and regulatory concerns regarding...