Report no. 10/18: This report presents a study conducted in Europe to characterize the typical size and plume stability condition for groundwater sites impacted by the petroleum hydrocarbons benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes (BTEX), and the fuel oxygenates...
The impacts of three scenarios in the European light duty vehicle market to 2050 have been analysed, versus a European Commission Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, as follows : – High EV scenario representing mass EV adoption to ~90% BEV parcby 2050; – Low Carbon...
Report no. 14/18: The European Commission (EC) is considering the use of “effect-based tools” (EBTs) for environmental monitoring as an alternative to, or in combination with, chemical analysis. In addition, there is interest in the use of passive sampler devices for...
The impacts of three scenarios in the European light duty vehicle market to 2050 have been analysed, versus a European Commission Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, as follows:– High EV scenario representing mass EV adoption to ~90% BEV parc by 2050;– Low Carbon Fuels...
Report no. 13/18: For the exposure assessment in the 2010 REACH dossiers of petroleum substances, Concawe has used the Tier 1 exposure model ECETOC TRA v.2. In order to account for the heavier, less volatile and more complex petroleum substances and the corresponding...