Critical review of the relationship between IP346 and dermal carcinogenic activity
Report no. 6/16: The IP 346 method was adopted as a screening assay to predict the carcinogenicity of specific petroleum streams. Its application is based on a strong correlation with results from over 100 mouse dermal carcinogenicity studies, which were reported in a...
Analysis of N-, O-, and S- heterocyclics in petroleum products using GCxGC with specific detection
Report no. 2/16: REACH dossiers on all p etroleum productcategories were compiled and submitted by Concawe in 2010. ECHA subsequently raised co ncerns regarding the tech nical justification of the assumptions and too ls use d to generate the cu rrent PNECs for...
The Natural Attenuation of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Soil and Groundwater (report no. 5/16)
Report no. 5/16: With the increasing use of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) in automotive fuels there is growing interest in the fate and effects of biodiesel, and biodiesel/ petroleum distillate blends in the environment. While biodegradation of FAME has been...