Report Nº 7/24: Concawe has collected 52 years of spillage data on European cross-country oil pipelines. At over 35,000 km the current inventory covered by the Concawe survey includes the majority of such pipelines in Europe, transporting some 640 million m3 per year...
Report Nº 6/24: VITO/EnergyVille was commissioned to do a quantitative assessment of renewable electricity (RES-E) supply and demand projections for process and fuel manufacturing industries for 2030. The Industry Electrification scenario uses green electricity for...
Report Nº 5/24: These proceedings are a record of the Concawe workshop held in Helsinki, Finland at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on the 8th November 2023. The workshop aimed to increase the understanding of regulators, industry scientists, and academic...
Report Nº 4/24: Concawe and Aramco have jointly commissioned this study, aiming to conduct a techno-environmental (Part 1) and economic (Part 2) analysis of different e-fuels pathways produced in different regions of the world (North, Centre, and South of Europe, as...
High-performance batteries play a crucial role in the advancement of electric mobility. They are essential for unlocking the full potential of electrification in transportation, while also presenting challenges related to potential supply shortages if the production...