Dermal exposures associated with service station refuelling activities: preliminary evaluation
Report no. 14/14: This study investigates dermal exposure to petrol and diesel fuel in service station attendants responsible for the refuelling of automobiles. In phase 1 of the study, six attendants from three service stations wore a carbon patch sample inside and...
Towards the establishment of a protocol for the quantification of VOC diffuse emissions using open-path remote monitoring techniques: DIAL monitoring of a VOC source of known emission flux
Report no. 12/14: This report provides the results of a programme of work undertaken to compare the controlled rate of release of propane from a simulated floating roof tank with the flux determined using information on wind data and DIAL measurements. The effects of...
The estimated forward cost of EU legislation for the EU refining industry
Report no. 11/14: This Concawe report provides an estimation of the cost burden imposed on EU refineries over the period from 2010 to 2020 by a number of EU legislative and implementing acts. It is concluded that the regulations under consideration have the potential...