Assessment of Recent Health Studies of Long-Term Exposure to Ozone
Report no. 3/14: This report summarises the assessment of the policy relevant long-term health studies published since the last update of the ozone Air Quality Limit Value (AQLV). This project was undertaken in preparation for the European Union 2013 Year of Air...
Proceedings of the Mineral Oil CRoss Industry IssueS (MOCRINIS) Workshop September 2013
Report no. 2/14: CONCAWE organised a 2-day Mineral Oil Cross Industry Issues (MOCRINIS)Workshop in Bologna, Italy in September 2013. The objective of the Workshop was to address topics that have arisen following the publication of results demonstrating the presence of...
Application of the target lipid and equilibrium partitioning models to non-polar organic chemicals in soils and sediments
The Target Lipid Model (TLM) provides a framework for deriving predicted no effect concentrations (PNEC) for non polar organic chemicals to organisms in the environment. This approach has been used to perform environmental risk assessment of individual hydrocarbons as...