European downstream oil industry safety performance. Statistical summary of reported incidents – 2012
Report no. 5/13: In this nineteenth annual report on European downstream oil industry safety performance, 2012 statistics are presented on work-related personal injuries for the industry’s own employees and contractors. Data were received from 38 CONCAWE Member...
Refinery effluent analysis methodologies for relevant parameters from EU-regulatory regimes
Report no. 4/13: This report provides guidance to CONCAWE members on the analytical methods that might be used to monitor oil refinery effluents for those refinery-specific parameters covered by relevant European legislation and a comparison of the methods that are...
Predicting refinery effluent toxicity on the basis of hydrocarbon composition determined by GCxGC analysis
Report no. 2/13: A high resolution analytical method for determining hydrocarbon blocks in petroleum products by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) was used for the analysis of petroleum hydrocarbons extracted from refinery effluents.From 105...