Report no. 6/12: This report summarises data gathered by CONCAWE in a 2010 survey of effluent water quantity, oil content and treatment processes for refinery installations situated in the EU-27 countries and those in Croatia Norway and Switzerland. Data obtained in...
Report no. 5/12: In this eighteenth annual report on European downstream oil industry safety performance, 2011 statistics are presented on work-related personal injuries for the industry’s own employees and contractors. Data were received from 34 CONCAWE Member...
Report no. 4/12: Ether oxygenates are added to certain gasoline (petrol) formulations to improve combustion efficiency and to increase the octane rating. In this report the term gasoline ether oxygenates (GEO) refers collectively to methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE),...
This report reviews the technologies available to meet the exhaust emissions regulations for gasoline-fuelled passenger cars, light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles, non-road mobile machinery and motorcycles. echnologies applicable to gasoline engines (both stoichiometric...
This report reviews the global and historical development of exhaust emissions regulations for diesel-fuelled heavy-duty vehicles, passenger cars, and related vehicles as well as the engine, aftertreatment, and fuel technologies that have enabled these vehicles to...