Gasoline volatility and vehicle performance
Report no. 2/12: A six vehicle study has been completed to investigate the impact of changes in the volatility characteristics of unleaded gasoline containing 10% v/v ethanol on regulated exhaust and evaporative emissions and on hot and cold weather vehicle...
Assessment of refinery effluents and receiving waters using biologically-based effect methods
Report no. 1/12: Within the EU it is apparent that the regulatory focus on the use of biologically-based effects methods in the assessment of refinery effluents and receiving waters have increased in the past decade. This has been reflected in a recent refinery survey...
Acute aquatic toxicity of heavy fuel oils summary of relevant test data
Report no. 9/11: This report describes the experimental procedures and results obtained in acuteecotoxicity tests on several heavy fuel oil (HFO) samples. Water accommodated fractions (WAFs) of these samples were tested for toxicity to the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus...