Report Nº 3/24: This report is the supporting document to the life-cycle assessment tool for heavy- duty vehicles (HDVs) developed by IFP Energies nouvelles and commissioned by Concawe that was published in July 2023. It describes the simulation background behind the...
Report Nº 2/24: Concawe conducted a research programme in cooperation with VTT examining the relationship between gasoline physical-chemical properties and particulate number (PN) emissions. The complete programme was executed in two distinct phases, during which...
Report No. 01/24: The question of how aviation fuel composition affects the formation and lifetime of contrails is a complex one. Although the theory regarding initial contrail formation is well-founded in thermodynamics and proven to be correct by measurements, there...
Report no. 12/23: This report provides a statistical analysis of waste production by Concawe member company refineries in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, based on survey data returned from 68 member company refineries (70.1% response rate) situated in the EU-27...
Report no. 11/23: The concept of sustainable remediation has become well established in the remediation industry and its application has spread around the world. However, there is a recognised gap in the provision of detailed case studies documenting the practical...