Report no. 6/10: For the purpose of REACH registration, CONCAWE has collected physical-chemical data from its member companies on petroleum substances and sulfur produced at their sites. Substances were identified using CAS Registry Numbers and / or EINECS / EC...
Report no. 5/10: This report serves as an update to and an extension of a previous CONCAWE report on dermal absorption of petroleum hydrocarbons (Petroleum hydrocarbons:their absorption through and effects on the skin, CONCAWE Report 84/54, 1984). To contribute to...
Report No. 3/10: In preparation for the implementation of the EU REACH regulation, a project was undertaken to transfer the high-resolution analytical method for determining hydrocarbon blocks in petroleum products by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography...
Report No. 2/10: This report is prepared as part of the Industry input to the revision process for the Refinery Best Available Technique (BAT) Reference Document (BREF) that is being undertaken by the European IPPC Bureau. Five effluent parameters were selected for...
This report describes the results of the 2006 year survey into the sulphur pathways in European refining. This includes the distribution of sulphur in products, the capture and recovery of sulphur in refineries and the emission of sulphur oxides as part of the...