Volatility and vehicle driveability performance of ethanol/gasoline blends: a literature review
Report no. 8/09: The effect of blending ethanol (up to 20% v/v) into gasoline on the volatility of the ethanol/gasoline blend and on the hot and cold weather vehicle driveability performance of these blends has been assessed from published literature. This literature...
European downstream oil industry safety performance Statistical summary of reported incidents – 2008
Report no. 7/09: The fifteenth such report by CONCAWE, this issue includes statistics on work related personal injuries for the European downstream oil industry’s own employees as well as contractors for the year 2008. Data was received from 31 companies representing...
European downstream oil industry safety performance Statistical summary of reported incidents – 2007
Report no. 6/09: The fourteenth such report by CONCAWE, this issue includes statistics on work-related personal injuries for the European downstream oil industry’s own employees as well as contractors for the year 2007. Data was received from 30 companies representing...