Report no. 3/09: Legislative measures recently adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) pave the way for a dramatic reduction of the sulphur content of international marine fuels. Based on a 2020 reference scenario taking into account all expected...
Report no. 1/09: This report is the first revision of CONCAWE Report 3/07, which itself replaced Report No. 9/05R Air Pollutant Emission Estimation Methods for EPER and PRTR Reporting by Refineries. It provides algorithms to permit emission estimates to be made by...
Report no. 8/08: This report presents an integrated assessment of the impact of product quality and demand changes on EU refineries between 2000 and 2020 in terms of investment requirements, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. It further explores the potential of...
Report no. 6/08: This report provides a review of the techniques which are currently commercially available for remotely monitoring VOCs from both point and area diffuse emission sources. The use of recently developed optical gas imaging (OGI) equipment is a...
Report no. 5/08: CONCAWE sponsored a special session at the ToxForum meeting (October 2007) on Air Quality and Cardiovascular health effects. The session provided an opportunity to bring together leading scientists and have a debate on the state of knowledge in this...