Optical methods for remote measurement of diffuse VOCs: their role in the quantification of annual refinery emissions
Report no. 6/08: This report provides a review of the techniques which are currently commercially available for remotely monitoring VOCs from both point and area diffuse emission sources. The use of recently developed optical gas imaging (OGI) equipment is a...
Report of a toxicology forum symposium on air quality and cardiovascular health effects: what’s the impact
Report no. 5/08: CONCAWE sponsored a special session at the ToxForum meeting (October 2007) on Air Quality and Cardiovascular health effects. The session provided an opportunity to bring together leading scientists and have a debate on the state of knowledge in this...
Advanced combustion for low emissions and high efficiency: a literature review of HCCI combustion concepts
Report no. 4/08: This report reviews an extensive published literature covering a class of advanced combustion concepts for low emissions and high efficiency in internal combustion engines. For diesel engines, these combustion concepts are generically called...