Sulphur dioxide emissions from oil refineries and combustion of oil products in Western Europe and Hungary (2002)
Report no. 2/07: This report examines the sulphur balances of European oil refineries and the sulphur contents of oil products based on a CONCAWE survey of 2002 actual data. Comparisons are made with data from the previous CONCAWE survey of 1998 and also in some cases...
Oil Refining in the EU in 2015
Report no. 1/07: In the next decade, the EU refining industry will be facing significant changes in demand both in absolute terms and with regard to the relative calls for its main products. Notably, the imbalance between the demand for gasoline and middle distillates...
European downstream oil industry safety performanceStatistical summary of reported incidents – 2005
Report no. 7/06: The twelfth such report by CONCAWE, this issue includes statistics on work-related personal injuries for the European downstream oil industry’s own employees as well as contractors for the year 2005. Data was received from 18 companies representing...