Amended safety data sheet directive (2001/58/EC)
Report no. 5/02: This report outlines the requirements of the amended EU Safety Data SheetDirective and reviews the implications for the oil industry. A copy of the amended Safety Data Sheet Directive is included as an appendix.
Energy and greenhouse gas balance of biofuels for Europe – an update
Report no. 2/02: Recent literature publications have been used to estimate the energy and greenhouse gas balance of the most relevant biofuels in Europe, i.e. ethanol and Rapeseed Methyl Ester (RME). The potential for biofuels to substitute conventional fuels on the...
Evaluation of diesel fuel cetane and aromatics effects on emissions from Euro 3 engines
Report no. 4/02: Following EPEFE, the influence of two important diesel fuel quality parameters one missions remained under debate. These were the difference (if any) between natural and additive-derived cetane and the influence of aromatics content. Another key issue...