The European Union legislative process

The European Union legislative process

Report no. 99/61: This report updates Report 95/64 and describes the legislative process in the European Union, as amended by the Amsterdam Treaty of 1997. The legislative process in the EU is illustrated in the form of a flow chart.
Тhe health effects of PM2.5 (including ultrafine particles)

Тhe health effects of PM2.5 (including ultrafine particles)

Report no. 99/60: A review has been prepared of the health effects of exposure to PM2.5 particles (aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 μm), including so-called ultrafine particles (aerodynamic diameter < 0.1 μm). The report covers briefly sources, composition and...
Еnvironmental exposure to benzene

Еnvironmental exposure to benzene

Report no. 2/99: A review is provided of the health risks from environmental exposure to benzene.Sources and levels of benzene exposure of the general public have been identified from literature. Model calculations are presented of the daily absorbed dose of benzene...