Report no. 99/56: This report presents the results of a study to assess the EU-15 refining industry implications of changing gasoline and diesel fuel characteristics, for the year 2005 onwards. The study’s starting point is the EU Council Common Position on the AO1...
Report no. 99/53: The health effects due to nickel exposure are reviewed in this document for the purposes of understanding the scientific basis for an Air Quality Standard (AQS). The report provides an overview of two approaches for deriving a nickel AQS by...
Report no. 99/51: CONCAWE has reviewed the current gasoline volatility specifications within EN228 relating to hot weather drive ability, i.e. RVP, E70 and Vapour Lock Index (VLI), in anticipation of changes to volatility characteristics after year 2000, due to the...
Report no. 7/98: This report has been prepared in order to give guidance to the management of sites in the oil industry on the interpretation of the Seveso 2 (or COMAH) Directive. Emphasis has been put on differences with the Seveso 1 Directive. A number of items were...
Report no. 98/55: A comprehensive literature review of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in automotive exhaust emissions and fuels has been conducted. Sources and mechanisms of their formation in the internal combustion engine are discussed. Analytical techniques...