Biodiversity preservation has become a significant topic in Europe due to the increasing demand for more sustainable goods. Concawe, as part of its research activity in biomass availability and mobi-lization for biofuels production, has commissioned this study to...
Report No. 4/23. This report identifies and evaluates a selection of in vivo and in vitro aquatic toxicity testing methods, in order to assess which tests could present an interest if included in a test battery for toxicity monitoring of refinery effluents discharging...
Report no. 3/23: The European Commission (EC) is currently in the process of revising the EU Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) Directives with the aim to set more strict ambient air quality standards (AAQS) in order to align them more closely with the World Health...
Report no. 2/23: The report presents the results from a recent project Concawe conducted with TNO that used modelling to assess the influence of shipping emissions on the air quality in 19 selected European cities with or near major ports. Main findings of the study...
Report no. 1/23: This document addresses the periodic determination of diffuse emissions of non-methane volatile hydrocarbon compounds from refineries by means of remote sensing. A recent European standard, EN 17628:2022, addresses the proper conduct of such a survey...