Report no. 96/60: CONCAWE has investigated two major aspects of fuel/engine interaction and the resulting effects on exhaust emissions: • The impact of fuel density on the particulate emissions of a light duty turbocharged passenger car fitted with an advanced engine...
Report no. 96/59: In 1995 the World Health Organization/European region (WHO/EU) proposed a 1-hour exposure guideline of 0.11 ppm for NO2. This guideline is based on a 50%uncertainty factor applied to a LOAEL of 0.20 to 0.30 ppm for 1 to 2-hour experimental exposures...
Report no. 96/55: This report describes the experimental procedures and the results obtained in acute ecotoxicity tests on three kerosine samples. The samples were tested for toxicity to the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, the crustacean zooplankter, Daphnia magna...
Report no. 96/58: The World Health Organization (WHO) regional office for Europe recommends an SO2 guideline of 500 μg/m3 (0.175 ppm) for a 10-minute sampling time, an uncertainty factor of 2, and a threshold of about 1000 μg/m3 (0.35 ppm). Based on SO2 chamber...
Report no. 96/56: This report reviews the literature relating to particulate size measurement and the techniques suggested for different applications. Successful measurements have been made using cascade impactors, which give gravimetric analysis of sized fractions...