Exposure profile: gasoline

Exposure profile: gasoline

Report no. 97/52: This report details the available exposure data for gasoline and gasoline products. It provides information on estimated release rates; measured human exposure data for occupationally exposed groups, consumers and the general public; and...
Scientific basis for an air quality standard for carbon monoxide

Scientific basis for an air quality standard for carbon monoxide

Report no. 97/51: Carbon Monoxide (CO) is emitted into the atmosphere mainly as a product of the incomplete combustion of carbonaceous material. The major sources of CO exposure for the general, non-smoking population are exhaust emissions from combustion engines and...
Overview of the Concawe middle distillate programme

Overview of the Concawe middle distillate programme

Report no. 96/62: This report reviews the results from a three phase programme of work designed to investigate the factors influencing the skin carcinogenicity of middle distillates. In particular, it concentrates on the final phase, which consisted of a TWO year skin...
Nitrogen dioxide: evaluation of human health risks in chamber studies

Nitrogen dioxide: evaluation of human health risks in chamber studies

Report no. 96/59: In 1995 the World Health Organization/European region (WHO/EU) proposed a 1-hour exposure guideline of 0.11 ppm for NO2. This guideline is based on a 50%uncertainty factor applied to a LOAEL of 0.20 to 0.30 ppm for 1 to 2-hour experimental exposures...