Report no. 95/52: Hydrocarbon emissions from storage tanks are normally calculated using procedures published by the American Petroleum Institute. A laser-based technique has been used to measure remotely the emissions of hydrocarbons from floating roof tanks. The...
Report no. 94/56: This report further evaluates the study reported in CONCAWE Report No. 94/55 and documents the ability of oxidation catalyst technology to reduce the influence of diesel fuel properties on exhaust emissions performance. The relationship between fuel...
Report no. 94/59: Ten European vehicles, meeting the requirements of the EU ‘Consolidated Emissions Directive’, have been tested on a matrix of seven gasolines over the current ECE+EUDC test cycle. The programme was designed to investigate the effects of...
Report no. 7/94: This report summarizes over 2,000 occupational exposure data on benzene,measured in the period 1986-1992. Exposures for the various types of jobs are reviewed against a number of timeweightedaverage (TWA) criteria, including 1 ppm and 0.5 ppm. Most of...
Report no. 94/55: This study confirms the very effective control of diesel exhaust particulate, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions with oxidation catalyst technology. In addition, the investigation documents the ability of an exhaust oxidation catalyst to...