Report no. 94/53: CONCAWE initiated a programme to measure the ambient air concentrations of benzene in the vicinity of a number of gasoline stations and distribution terminals in Europe. The steps in the programme were: review previous studies measurement...
Report no. 94/58: The definition of “aromatics” in diesel fuel has caused difficulties, both within the oil industry and amongst other interested parties. By virtue of the boiling range of the fuel, the majority of its hydrocarbons will have between ten...
Report no. 2/94: The purpose of this report is to present a detailed analysis of the impact of sulphur emissions from ships within the heavily trafficked southern North Sea and Channel as a contribution to the debate on the need to limit the sulphur content of bunker...
Report no. 94/51: Untreated lubricant base oils have been associated in the past with the development of human skin cancer to give a better understanding of these health effects, industry has conducted an extensive range of long-term dermal carcinogenicity studies...
Report no. 93/51: Eight European vehicles, four of which were equipped with 3-way catalysts,have been tested on two gasoliries with significantly different front-end midrange volatilities. The investigation was conducted over the new ECE + EUDC test cycle at various...